Monday, December 4, 2006

Chinese MMO gamers given access to real land?

First order of business:


Now that I have that out of my system...

Tianchant Networks - the guys who run Datang, have purchased a 100 acre plot of land in the Zhejiang region. The company is giving a 49% share of it to their 10,000 players (about 435 square feet per player). No details on the source, but apparently the players get the right to make use of the land? The company is apparently digitizing this area for gamers to fool around it. I don't know how the whole land use thing will work, but it's interesting.

From Pacific Epoch [via Kotaku]

Unfortunately, screenshots or detailed information could not be found after a quick Googling. In fact, I'm not particularly sure if this is even real. Maybe someone who can read chinese and use Google China could come up with something?

edit 2:
There is some speculation, but this *may or may not* be the game's official site. I also *may* have found a trailer here.


1 comment:

JRW said...

Interesting. If they actually allow the users to "own" the land legally, there are a whole lot of people that may be paying tax on foreign property and not knowing it!

EDIT this post and add more info if you find it!